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Proclamation of Resolution of Former US Presidents

MC: Dwight Eisenhower
Prayer: Franklin Roosevelt
Adoption and Proclamation of Resolution: Richard Nixon
Three Cheers of Mansei: Richard Nixon
God our Father,
We, the former presidents of the United States, in the attendance and service of God and True Parents, hereby proclaim our adoption of the following 6-point written resolution. We all determine to actively volunteer our efforts and sacrifice for the sake of peace in the United States and peace for all humankind. For this we ask that you guide us all.
Proclamation of the Resolution
1. We proclaim that God exists as the parent of humankind.
2. We resolve and proclaim the reality of the incorporeal world (the eternal spiritual world).
3. We resolve and proclaim that Rev. Sun Myung Moon is the Lord of the Second Advent, the Messiah, the Savior and the True Parent.
4. We resolve and proclaim that we will make public to the whole world the true nature of the devil, Satan (Lucifer), who destroyed the original culture of humankind, and that we will eradicate the root of the various sins that have manifested throughout history.
5. Affirming that world peace can never be realized through military strife or war, we resolve and proclaim that we will realize world peace based on the true love of True Parents.
6. We former US presidents resolve and proclaim that we will stand in the forefront with the heart to volunteer and sacrifice for the sake of world peace.
Three Cheers of Mansei
Hananim (God), Mansei!
Champumonim (True Parents), Mansei!
Former US Presidents, Mansei!
Former US Presidents Representative Richard Nixon
July 31, 2003

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